Fertility Treatments

Working out the right treatment plan for you

While there’s a tonne of information (and misinformation) on fertility treatments out there, it makes sense to stay focussed on you and your journey. Because much of that information won’t apply to you. Doctor Google doesn’t give the best advice — but I can. I can explain the kinds of fertility treatments that we can use to treat different fertility issues. As the factors behind these issues are unique to you, I’ll create a bespoke treatment plan just for you and your needs. 

The impact of age on fertility treatment

What’s age got to do with it?

A lot actually. If you’re a woman aged 36 or over and have been trying to conceive for six months or more, it’s a good idea to seek specialist advice and fertility treatment. As you age, it becomes harder to fall pregnant, so seeking treatment should be a priority. That’s what I’m here for. To be your fertility champion and guide you on your journey. 

If you’re under 36, and have been trying to fall pregnant for over a year, seeing a fertility specialist will help increase your chances of having a baby. If you’ve been trying for less time but feel worried about your ability to conceive, I’m happy to help. Sometimes simple advice and reassurance might be all you need. And if there is an issue there, it’s good to find it and correct it earlier rather than later. 

Check out the FAQs for more detailed explanations of the medical terms I’ve mentioned.

Assisted reproductive technology options

There are so many ways forward

Keep in mind that if you’re having trouble conceiving and are concerned about your fertility, it might not mean you’ll need IVF.

We could solve it with cycle tracking or a simple procedure like ovulation induction, or with fertility surgery for endometriosis or fibroids (see the FAQs for more on these things). Whether you need one of these treatments or we decide to do IVF, I’m 100% committed to making your fertility treatment process as simple as possible. We’re on this journey together and I want you to feel comfortable, reassured and informed every step of the way. Asking lots of questions is a good thing because getting the answers and having the right information is empowering!

Support at every step of the journey

Always here for whatever you need

Over the course of your investigation and treatment, I’ll let you know about your options and chat with you about them. In the meantime, keep optimistic and don’t forget to look after you. Being your own best friend on this journey can really help you keep it all in perspective. There’s a big range of treatment options, including many less invasive assisted reproductive technology options, and there’s always hope — don’t ever forget that.